Be my friend and I are quite into the car audio / visual (was a lot of fun) and decided to change my stock radio for an aftermarket Ford.
We do not really know what we are getting ourselves into until we are out of the old deck. The 'ol Junker (well not really Junker, because this is the EATC temperature control modules are combined with a CD player) is one of the big circuit board. This looks very out-of-date that people can go to the moon with it (produced in 1974).
We haveout deck, buy aftermarket dash kit from a local car audio dealer, and connecting the new deck. THAT part was easy - but the cable back up EATC (Electronic Automatic Temperature Control) is worse then stick yourself in the eye with a hot poker.
This is a tip for anyone who wants to replace their stock car radio - NEVER cut the cable harness. That being said, the findings of other animals that use the cable to work really has been almost impossible. None of the cablediagram of any web site that the merits - and Ford does not own that can help us.
On top of that, we bought aftermarket dash kit has no buttons - they expect us to supply the current heating system - and there is no button on the plug. We can order the buttons - $ 12 each - order switch - use cables, etc. is $ 80, the switch is about $ 100 for all three ... so the total cost to repair the heating system will haveclose to $ 500 when you combine the cost of aftermarket dash kit as well.
I do not think I will ever replace the stock radio in a Ford again. At least if I do, it will become a Ford model recognizes and really has helped the model. Buy spare parts in the Canadian Tire just doesn't cut - they do not work or fit - and when there are hardly any Ford dealer can help you, you really wonder who can.
Long story short - with winter fast approaching we fused two wirestogether to turn the heat during the winter. Simple solutions. Possible summer rolls around, we will fuse together the pair to switch AC.
Only thing that bothers me is I can not change the heat up or down. But the - so scrue it.
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